Saturday, June 14, 2014

Following God's Heart all the way to Kansas

Following God’s Heart all the way to Kansas!

     Well everyone, the Lord has us on the move again. This time, literally. He has now called us to Kansas, the hub of a Fatherhood movement that will spread over the United States and quit possibly the world!
     As many of you know, Bubba has a wonderful story of how The Lord has taken him from a broken little boy and turned him into a wonderful husband and father. And, as many of you know, the Lord hasn’t given Bubba this story to keep to himself. He is called, by God, to share his story with other dad’s to encourage them to be the father’s God created them to be.
     Last spring a Fatherhood Movement was started in Kansas and Bubba was involved from the ground up, helping develop the curriculum, helping develop the presentations, was the spokesman for the Strong Dad’s Program, appearing in several Public Service announcements, being the Key Note Speaker for the Fatherhood Summit last June, and speaking over 40 times at various Head Start locations all over Kansas. This program will be continuing this spring serving fathers of children ages 3 to 5 years.
     Now, Bubba is involved with yet another groundbreaking movement. He has been hired by the State of Kansas to assist youth that are aging out of foster care become self-sufficient through raising public awareness. Bubba will be presenting information about the programs offered to these youth and recruiting individuals to come along side of the youth as committed-supportive adults at community organizations such as: schools, homeless shelters, residential facilities, churches, and Foster Parent support groups that may come into contact with a youth.    
       Actually, Bubba and I, both feel that this is the first time in our lives as full time ministers, that family, ministry and work, will all be AS ONE. It will just be “our life”. Following this call plugs into two aspects of our Vision Statement that, until now, have been very low key:  Standing for justice for those who have been unjustly treated and calling forth this generation.

Contact us at 816-673-5972
Thank you,

Bubba, Heather, Anna, Nathan, Luke, Esther, Miriam and Johanna

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