I know we must be doing the right thing otherwise Satan
would not be attacking my family and me so hard. It is a battle and we are fighting!! We really
believe that big things are coming.
I am going to be up front with you and say ‘YES, that I am
writing this to ask for support and more specifically your support financially.”
Maybe a little forward? A little bold?
Yeah it is, but I received the boldness from JESUS and know
that the work that I and my family have been doing and what GOD is continuing
to call us to that we need to continue to share and cast our vision and our needs
to continue to finish the task that God has called us to. The HARVEST IS PLENTIFUL
God has called the Dowling family to be “A BRIDGE”: that
extends across all races, ethnic groups, social classes, ages, gender, between
the churched and un-churched.
God has called Bubba (GOD’s STRONGMAN) as an evangelist and
Mentor/ Discipler: Bubba continues to go
out and preach the GOSPEL to Churches, Men’s groups, Youth groups so that
others can receive the SAVIOUR that WE have received that brought us true
relationship, peace, healing and salvation.
And share that you don’t have to be physically strong to also be GOD’s
Bubba is the Chaplain and volunteers at a local PUBLIC high
school, with the football and wrestling team and has just been asked
specifically to work one in one with several athletes that are struggling with
self worth, self esteem and who they are as a man while encouraging them to
fulfill their role in their sport.
Heather (MORE THAN RUBIES) is serving JESUS as well as her
family by staying home full time to make sure that the first ministry that they
have collectively is their own family.
You are reading this letter for 1 of several possible reasons:
1. You are family and you know who we are what we are about
and the effect that we have and have had on the kingdom.
2. You are a friend
of the family and you know who we are what we are about and the effect that we
have and have had on the kingdom.
3. You have seen our ministry at work first hand and know
who we are what we are about and the effect that we have and have had on the
4. You have heard about and expressed interest in our
ministry and the effect that we have and have had on the kingdom
You may be thinking that you would love to help but cant
offer that much, I am TELLING you that ANY AMOUNT Monthly will help. Even if
you can’t help maybe you know someone who you can share this with and have them
get in contact with us.
So please pray and consider giving into our ministry and ask
what God would have you to give and then follow his lead.
We are looking for 200 families/individuals/businesses/
Churches to support our family at least $20.00 a month. Some
can do more some can do less. It all works out in the end!! You may think to
yourself $20.00 a month does not sound like much but if you do the math and we
get 200 supporters at that $20.00 a month that is $4000.00 a month.
If you want to give a one time gift in any amount that helps
So you can donate several ways.
If you want a tax deductible receipt please write your check
out to YWAM HEARTLAND and place a note in the envelope that the check is for
the Dowling Family and mail to:
Bubba and Heather Dowling
607 SE Joel Ave.
Lee’s Summit, Mo 64063
I also take Debit and Credit cards via PAYPAL or also
directly using “ SQUARE”.
You can keep in touch with what we our doing and where we
are several different ways.
Family blog. You can see it and sign up for it @: http://teamdowling.blogspot.com/
Bubba’s Website @ : www.godsstrongman.com
Bubba’s Facebook@: https://www.facebook.com/bubba.dowling
If you have questions and or want to find out more here are
some ways you can contact us.
641-777-9456 call or text
Cell 641-777-5729 call or text
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