Tuesday, October 2, 2012

I like steak... but not this T-Bone..

Bubba and I were involved in a motor vehicle accident  last Thursday. We are doing well, but wanted to share another amazing story of God's hand on our family! Here's the story:
      We had one of our baby-sitters at our home by 7:30 AM Thursday so Bubba and I could make it to an ultrasound for the new baby. We had a wonderful experience at the appointment, seeing many sweet details of Johannah Grace: sweet tiny feet, perfect lips, sweet tip of her nose, and many movements of tiny, slender fingers.
      We were heading home to relieve our sitter about 9:15. We stopped to get gas, when I realized being pregnant that I was in dire need of a egg and cheese biscuit and a chocolate doughnut! I grabbed each of those very sweet items in the station and we were off again.
      We exited the gas station, turning east and stopped at the signal. I was looking down texting our sitter to let her know we were almost home when the light turned green and we were off. SUDDENLY, Bubba looked out my window and yelled, "OH MY GOSH.....". Then I heard BOOOOOM, felt my arm hit the door and heard tires screeching.

Ladies Car that hit us.....

      An elderly women, approximately 80 years old, had run a red light and T-Boned our car on my side. She was traveling around 40 mph at the point of impact. By God's divine hand, she hit our car directly between the drivers and riders doors on the brace. If she would have hit my door directly, things would have been much different!

      Bub was injured on his right side, we are assuming from the console between the seats. He was checked out at the ER after much encouragement! :) He did not want to!!  I was transported by ambulance because of neck pain and being pregnant.
      They monitored the baby and me over night to be sure all was well. The baby is doing well and my body is quit tired but otherwise feeling ok. I am to take it very easy the next week to be sure I don't go into labor.
      I don't have time to go into all the details of of ALL the ways the Lord manifested his grace in this situation. But I will say that Bubba and I are amazed at how The Lord's has been all over us, our family, our friends, the Dr.s the nurses, even the accident scene.
      We now have a rental car, via the Misses insurance. We are 90% sure our car will be totaled, so we are looking/praying for what the Lord has next for us in the vehicle realm.
     So thankful that the Lord saved us all. The reality is beginning to hit me, of what really happened and how many angels were working in that wreck that day!
Thank you Jesus....we love you!
Bub, Heather, Anna, Nathan, Luke, Esther, Miriam and baby Johannah Grace

Thursday, August 23, 2012


I know we must be doing the right thing otherwise Satan would not be attacking my family and me so hard.  It is a battle and we are fighting!! We really believe that big things are coming.

I am going to be up front with you and say ‘YES, that I am writing this to ask for support and more specifically your support financially.” Maybe a little forward?  A little bold?

Yeah it is, but I received the boldness from JESUS and know that the work that I and my family have been doing and what GOD is continuing to call us to that we need to continue to share and cast our vision and our needs to continue to finish the task that God has called us to. The HARVEST IS PLENTIFUL AND THE WORKERS ARE FEW.

God has called the Dowling family to be “A BRIDGE”: that extends across all races, ethnic groups, social classes, ages, gender, between the churched and un-churched.

God has called Bubba (GOD’s STRONGMAN) as an evangelist and Mentor/ Discipler:  Bubba continues to go out and preach the GOSPEL to Churches, Men’s groups, Youth groups so that others can receive the SAVIOUR that WE have received that brought us true relationship, peace, healing and salvation.  And share that you don’t have to be physically strong to also be GOD’s STRONGMAN.

Bubba is the Chaplain and volunteers at a local PUBLIC high school, with the football and wrestling team and has just been asked specifically to work one in one with several athletes that are struggling with self worth, self esteem and who they are as a man while encouraging them to fulfill their role in their sport. 

Heather (MORE THAN RUBIES) is serving JESUS as well as her family by staying home full time to make sure that the first ministry that they have collectively is their own family.

You are reading this letter for 1 of several possible reasons:

1. You are family and you know who we are what we are about and the effect that we have and have had on the kingdom.

2.  You are a friend of the family and you know who we are what we are about and the effect that we have and have had on the kingdom.

3. You have seen our ministry at work first hand and know who we are what we are about and the effect that we have and have had on the kingdom.

4. You have heard about and expressed interest in our ministry and the effect that we have and have had on the kingdom

You may be thinking that you would love to help but cant offer that much, I am TELLING you that ANY AMOUNT Monthly will help. Even if you can’t help maybe you know someone who you can share this with and have them get in contact with us.

So please pray and consider giving into our ministry and ask what God would have you to give and then follow his lead.

We are looking for 200 families/individuals/businesses/ Churches to support our family at least $20.00 a month.   Some can do more some can do less. It all works out in the end!! You may think to yourself $20.00 a month does not sound like much but if you do the math and we get 200 supporters at that $20.00 a month that is $4000.00 a month. 

If you want to give a one time gift in any amount that helps TOO!!!

We are under the covering of Y.W.A.M.  www.ywam.org
more specifically YWAM HEARTLAND  www.ywamheartland.com

So you can donate several ways.

If you want a tax deductible receipt please write your check out to YWAM HEARTLAND and place a note in the envelope that the check is for the Dowling Family and mail to:

Bubba and Heather Dowling
607 SE Joel Ave.
Lee’s Summit, Mo 64063

I also take Debit and Credit cards via PAYPAL or also directly using “ SQUARE”.

You can keep in touch with what we our doing and where we are several different ways.

Family blog. You can see it and sign up for it @: http://teamdowling.blogspot.com/

Bubba’s Website @ : www.godsstrongman.com

If you have questions and or want to find out more here are some ways you can contact us.
Bubba: Email  bubba@godsstrongman.com
             Cell    641-777-9456   call or text
Heather: Email  heknowsyourname@aol.com
Cell   641-777-5729   call or text

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Some thoughts and Encouragement to fathers...

Here is a 7 minute long video on some thoughts that I would like to share with you....



Friday, August 10, 2012


Was not me.......

Had a great time with my good friends Bill Corum and Tua Meafua.

Bill, ME and Tua

I was not prepared well enough for this meet, had too high of expectations with too many variables and  ended up not even getting a lift in.

I opened up with 727 missed it then I missed two attempts with 755.... and that disqualified me for the meet.

However was able to rest and see a bit of what Wyoming had to offer and more of the BEAUTY of GOD's CREATION.  Wild horses, antelope and even found a few animal skeletons along the way.

Wild horses that have been removed from the wild due to overpopulation and are available for adoption.

MMMMMM needs BBQ sauce!!!!



I always say during my speeches, talks and presentations that I learn best from failing. Even though I do HATE to fail, God always allows me to gain knowledge and wisdom from my mistakes......

Lesson this time??  I need to bloom where GOD planted me and stay where he leads me and not to chase the $$MONEY$$ because he is the one that provides for me!!



Tuesday, July 31, 2012


This Past weekend I was able to perform and share my heart with the people of southeast IOWA at PROMISELAND MUSIC FESTIVAL.

My family and I  were extremely blessed by the Churches, workers, volunteers and attendees of the event @ PROMISELAND.

6 vs 1 TUG-O-WAR

I shared 2 times during the 3 day festival and we saw 21 people choose to dedicate their lives to JESUS.

Sharing my heart for fathers and families and how I receive my strength, JESUS!!

JESUS you continue to amaze and bless me......

We would not be able to go and do the ministry that GOD has called us to with out your continued support.

Please contact Bubba and Heather to find out how you can help them in their continued ministry.
By Email : bubba@godsstrongman.com or heknowsyourname@aol.com

Monday, July 23, 2012


    I am writing to tell you about a dream I have. To play football. I have the chance to play in the Lee’s Summit Football Association this fall. It’s TACKLE!
    I need $275 for league fees and about $110 for shoes and football pants. So a total of $385. We are hoping to find sales though! Would you be willing to help me play football?
    You can help by credit or debit card ( call my dad for this option) 641-777-9456.
If you would like to receive a receipt for your donation for tax purposes you would need to write a check or money order to “YWAM Heartland”. If you choose this option you can mail it to me at Nathan Dowling 607 SE Joel Ave., Lee’s Summit, MO 64063.



Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Bubba had been invited to, 2 very prestigious Bench Press Competitions. Both with the USPA. This is a huge honor for him.

The first one will be August 3rd, 2012 in Rock Springs, WY at the " BADDEST BENCH AT THE BIG SHOW".  ONLY 20 LIFTERS HAVE BEEN INVITED!!!! BUBBA is 1 of those lifters!!!! WHICH WILL BE BROADCAST LIVE by XPTV in approximately 160+million homes throughout North America, Japan, Korea, and Viet Nam, via Fox Sports Network, Comcast, and Tuff TVTV 

The Second will be September 27th-29th 2012 at THE " MR. OLYMPIA" contest held in LAS VEGAS.

Like I said before these are INVITE only and a huge opportunity for BUBBA to expand the platform from which he is able to Share his story, encourage and challenge Fathers and preach the GOSPEL......

But BUBBA needs your help. He wants to compete but does not want to take away money from his family's monthly needs to compete.

 He needs approximately 4-5 thousand dollars to cover the costs of both meets.
1. Entry Fees
2. Travel to and from both meets for 2 people- Bubba tries to never Travel alone.
3. Hotels and Rental Cars
3. Food- While traveling and added expense due to training
4.Training- Travel/ supplements/ equipment

Here is a Clip of BUBBA's Latest Bench Workout....

There are many ways you can donate and help. Credit/ DEBIT Card,  Paypal,  Cash or Check

Call BUBBA @ 641-777-9456
CALL HEATHER @ 641-777-5729


Sunday, May 13, 2012

Where else can you have this kind of fun?
 Can you feel the joy?!!

Monday, April 30, 2012

56 pounds away......

Bubba competed in the in the USPA Southern Missouri IRONMAN this past weekend. NO not the swimming, biking and running one..... LOL  

It was a Powerlifting competition and Bubba competed in the USPA Single-Ply SHW Sub-Masters Division and Hit a AMERICAN RECORD of 744#'s..... Watch the video here


Bubba is 56 pounds away from his goal weight of 800#'s in the bench press....

Next competition is June 23rd, 2012 In Branson, MO.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

To God's glory.....we were alone?

Bubba and Heather traveling.......alone! Bubba and I traveled to Cedar Rapids, Iowa to minister to a large youth group all by ourselves! A family from our church let us borrow their three daughters and the Mama of the house for two days so we could make the trip!
I can't remember the last time we were completely alone for 48 hours. At the very least 3 years, and I'm thinking more like 14!
 This is a photo of our last date, as I recall. About a year ago
ANYWAY....Bubba ministered to the boys and I ministered to the girls, 6th through 12th grades. Bubba was able to call the boys out to be the warriors God's calling them to be while I brought hope to the girls about guarding their hearts for Jesus. Bubba gave an alter call and 18 boys responded! I gave my first alter call EVER and 6 girls accepted the Lord as Savior! (I've always shared one-on-one in the past) So, if my math is correct that is 24 new brothers and sisters in Christ! Good news, good news people!

We are very busy booking shows and outreaches right now. The summer still has plenty of room for more travel, ie. summer bible camps, Men's retreats, Ladie's night out events. Basically, anyone that needs to hear a word from the Lord or some encouragement, is who we are looking for!

GET US CONNECTED: To book us or get an information pack Email us at HeKnowsYourName@aol.com. We have stories that NEED to be told. They begin with a hopeless mess and end with God's GLORY!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Gospel at ArenaCross??? A whole new world for us!


Bubba, Nathan and Luke Traveled to Topeka, Kansas over the last weekend. To hang out with TEAM FAITH
Team Faith is a non-profit multi-faceted Outreach Ministry that impacts people who are enthusiastic about Action Sports.
We were able to watch the races and encourage the TEAM FAITH riders. We were also able to help TEAM FAITH with their Saturday devotional.
Bubba and the boys enjoying some "man" time together!!!

Team Faith has been serving as the Chaplains for ArenaCross for over 12 years. Check Team Faith out, they are extraordinary athletes and an amazing group of men and women.
Bubba sharing the love of Jesus to the men and women at the ArenaCross event.

Team Faith had a great weekend racing as well, with several HEAT Race wins, and 2 MAIN event wins in the LITES division and a 4th and 5th place showing in the Main event AX race. Great Job guys!!!!

But the coolest thing happened before all the races on Saturday got underway, after Bubba shared there were 3 guys, a mechanic, a rider and a dad of a rider, that raised their hand to accept JESUS as their LORD and SAVIOR!!!!  

Thanks for your prayers and support, could not do it without you!!!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Nefarious-wicked or Criminal

      I saw the Nefarious-Merchant of Souls documentary last fall which lead me to The Exodus Cry, Abolition Summit January 2-4. It was an intense two and a half days of true worship to the Lord and impartation of such wisdom. I am changed forever!
     I wanted to share a highlight or two from each speaker. So, here goes:

Raising up Deliverers:
Corey Russell-We can't deliver people in our power only HIS
     In Exodus 2:11 Moses was awakened to his calling and God shuts it down in verse 14
(One day, after Moses had grown up, he went out to where his own people were and watched them at their hard labor. He saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew, one of his own people. Glancing this way and that and seeing no one, he killed the Egyptian and hid him in the sand. The next day he went The man said, "Who made you ruler and judge over us? Are you thinking of killing me as you killed the Egyptian?" Then Moses was afraid and thought, "What I did must have become known.")
     Moses was sent into the wilderness to be delivered of his own stuff first. Then, when he KNEW he was NOTHING, Moses was visited in the burning bush!

Lou Engle-Intercession/Prayer/Intercession/Prayer
     There is one specific quote I want to share from Lou: "Pay attention to your tears, they will lead you to your destiny."

Christ Centered Abolition:
Stuart Greaves- Isaiah 42:1 Behold my servant, whom I uphold; mine elect, in whom my soul delighteth; I have put my spirit upon him: he shall bring forth judgment to the Gentiles. KJV Behold my Servant......His heart will be found or caught in the beholding of Jesus.
     God's love after the rescue. His gentleness and kindness:  Is 42:3 A bruised reed shall he not break, and the smoking flax shall he not quench: he shall bring forth judgment unto truth. KJV
 A bruised reed will he not break, and a dimly burning wick will he not quench: he will bring forth justice in truth. AVS
     Isaiah 42:4 He will not fail nor be discouraged, till he have set justice in the earth; and the isles shall wait for his law.
     "We must have the revelation of who Jesus is! We must know what he is doing. Become the message not just have a message."
     "God sent an 80 year old Hebrew with a stick" to deliver the Israelites.

Kirk Bennett-"Justice is setting people free to encounter God."
"Justice is not a principal, it's a man!"
"Let my people go so they may worship me." We usually stop after GO. But we are to be free to worship the Lord.

Don Brewster- Don has a ministry in Korea and was in the documentary. He shared stories of "his girls" courage and how we have been given many good gifts and the Lord expects us to put them into action, ie. Jesus, Holy Spirit, faith, hope, love, each other.

Practical Appication:
Kezia Hatfield-"Restoration is truly the rebuilding of a person."
1. Understanding Trauma
2. Power of the cross
     Understanding that Jesus truly did endure what these women and children have endured gives even more power to the cross. In the gospels we see exactly what Jesus endured. He was sold, betrayed, criminalized, hit, bound, abandoned, falsely accused, mocked, dehumanized, suffered because of man's will, stripped naked, family gave him up, had others shame on him, foreign objects in his body (nails/spear), wasn't believed, given false names, cursed, finally separated from the Father.
3. Necessities of the process of restoration
     1 Cor 13 has to be walked out. Joy is the strength in the process. We bond through joy!
"We all need to know we are the sparkle of someone's eye."

Blaire Pilkington-Intervention
     James 1:27 Building bridges to the girls
They have to make a choice to be rescued. Rescue isn't a one time event, it's a process.

Benjamin Nolot-"God's mostly rescuing people from hell."
The work of the cross: deliverance, salvation, restoration!
TRUE freedom comes from ENCOUNTERING God!
Let my people go so they may worship me. 7 times in these passages. "SO THEY MAY WORSHIP ME"
The truth is this is a spiritual problem at it's root.

     Well, there are the highlights for me from the Summit. I have much more information I can share with you. If you would like to hear more about any part of these teachings, please contact me via. Facebook (Heather Dowling), or leave me a message on here.
     I have placed links to this ministry below for more information and to get involved.  Changed me profoundly, hope it does you too!