Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Can you say "OOHHH YA!"?

OH YA! is where we are right now. We have heard a CLEAR word from the Lord and will be sharing it with all of you VERY soon! Give us a week or so.
In the mean time meet our children! Check out their posts....

Meet the Fam #1

Anna Banana looking all glamorous! 
*I would like to introduce you to Anna Noelle
*Anna will be 13 on March 5th!
*Some of her favorite things are: listening to her favorite music, looking at bright/twinkly lights, spending time with kids her age, playing "tickie" (tickle),  spending time with her family and house mates, swimming.
*Some of her dreams are:  to be happy, to spend more time with kids her own age, to sing and dance!

Check out Anna taking steps!!! If you know her story, you know how amazing this truly is!
*She's amazing and has impacted our lives forever! Her JOY spreads like wild fire :)

Meet the Fam #2

Nathan with those eyes "sparkling"!
I would like to introduce you to Nathan Alexander
*Nathan is 9 years old.
*Some of his favorite things are: football, playing soccer at school, reading, playing with friends, playing video games, watching movies and PBS Kids, jumping on the trampoline, wrestling with Dad!
*Some of his dreams are: to play football, to travel with Dad, to be a cop or in the military (he's all about beating the bad guys!)
Snow doesn't slow this boy down, he's gotta jump!
*Nathan is our structured child who seems to feel safe and comfortable in the middle of chaos. He is so dependable and steady. A blessing in our family without a doubt!

Meet the Fam #3

Lukie in the hotel pool at Christmas!
I would like to introduce you to Luke Davidson
*Luke is 6 years old.
*Some of his favorite things are: playing with friends, writing and illustrating books, making art work for people, watching movies, playing on the trampoline, playing "kill the bad guy" with neighborhood friends, wrestling with Dad, playing EVERYTHING with his best friend Nathan (older brother)!
*Some of his dreams are: to be a Cowboy-Team Xtreme guy, to be a Vet, to kiss his girlfriend (pray for his parents and his purity!),  and to live with his Mama forever!
This IS little Lukie! "A hot fart in a skillet"

*Lukie has such a compassionate heart and a great gift to love people just as they are. He's a sweet addition to our family!

Meet the Fam #4

Eddie-Rose doin' her thang!
I would like to introduce you to Esther Rose.
*She is 3 years old.
*A few of her favorite things include: singing (her own lyrics mostly:), dancing (ballet, couples, CRAZY like her brothers...), babies, purses, high heels, bottles, and LIPS!!! (lipstick) She is a Girly-Girl!
*Her dreams include: "dancing on stage with lots of people watching and clapping", being married, having LOTS of babies, and wearing lips and having purses and wearing dresses all the time!
Es playing "kill the bad guys" with the neighborhood boys and her brothers (note the outfit)
*She is an awesome little girl. We are blessed to have her as part of our family. 

Meet the Fam #5

Miriam in one of her favorite spots: the SHOWER!

I would like to introduce you to Miriam Isabella.
*Miriam is 16 months old
*Some of her favorite things are: getting things out of the cupboards, throwing books on the floor, dressing and undressing dolls, turning pages in books, running with her siblings, "needing" anything Esther, Luke or Nathan has, giving kisses, blowing kisses and TALKING! ("pupa" puppy, "Bu-Ba" Esther, "Bubba" Bubba, "Dada" Daddy, "Rock-rock" rocky-rocky)  
*Some of her dreams include: playing in the toilet whenever she wants, taking a bath much more often, eating small object, toothpaste and soap at free will.
*Miriam Isabella is soooo sweet. She's amazing! She's full of love and adds such a sweetness to our family.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

This week is STRETCHING our whole family!

Simply, we are in a growth spurt for sure! More to come SOON! 

Keep praying for us, this is hard....

Bubba, Heather, Anna, Nathan, Luke, Esther and Miriam

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Unveiling the will of the Lord!

     As you know we have been working with Team Xtreme for over 6 years. The first four years or so were part time, as Bubba's work schedule allowed, and the last two plus full time. He has traveled to 5 Nations (I think) and done many US outreaches. Our two year commitment to TX was up in September 2010 and we are looking, diligently, for God's will for our family now. 
     Bubba and I feel we are to be "planted" and "staked" here in Kansas City, MO. We are unclear on how that fits in with TX. Or, if it does at all. 
The veil is opening!
     Bubba is currently working with approx. 40 high school boys in a Power Lifting Club four afternoons per week. He is starting a "mentoring" program one day a week at the same school. This has been his dream for YEARS! The Lord's opened this door up HUGE! (Side note: SuperBowl Sunday, three of his boys gave their lives to Jesus at a TX outreach!!!)
     The Lord has also put a dream in my heart to start a clothing/stuff exchange for local missionaries/ministries. We have a meeting Wednesday to start the ball rolling! 
     The kids are doing well in school and have dreams of doing "normal" kid activities too i.e., football, dance... 
     We want to do WHATEVER the Lord wants us to do. We don't want to miss his will by even one inch! Bubba even fasted yesterday, people! (Side note: Bubba does NOT fast, this was amazing!) We are serious!
     Please pray for us to hear CLEARLY from the Lord for this next season. We need ears to hear. We need eyes to see. We need grace for change. We need all the help we can get GoTeam! (that's you)
     If you have any scripture for us to read or words of encouragement or possible words from the Lord contact us.
     Thanks for standing with us...let's open the veil together for 2011 and jump in!

Bubba, Heather, Anna, Nathan, Luke, Esther and Miriam