Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Dowling Family Ministries, Inc. is born!

     When the Lord told us to "get grounded", being an independent 501c3 ministry was part of the grounding; as a result, Dowling Family Ministries, Inc. was born! We are still in the process of finalizing the 501c3 paperwork, but we are up and running!

Our vision is pretty simple:

     Our family, Bubba, Heather, Anna, Nathan, Luke, Esther, Miriam, and Johanna is called to love God’s people by being a bridge between the churched and unchurched, rich and poor, black and white, etc. We are specifically called to:
1. Call fathers into the love of The Father
2. Champion mothers and caregivers
3. Call forth this generation into the fullness of Christ
4. Stand for justice for those who are unjustly treated
5. Love as Christ loved.

Our response:

     In response to the call of the Lord we commit to love when, where and how the Lord leads; whether in the US or abroad, in state or out, in the church or on the streets.

The nuts & bolts of it all:
     Here is a quick overview of what has happened since our ministry was officially launched in April...

*"Strong Dad's" program in Kansas
     Bubba, and the family when able, traveled over 20,000 miles in 3 months all over the state of Kansas teaching and encouraging dads to be STRONG DADS through an initiative with the Department of Children and Families. Check it out at

*Keynote Speaker
     Bubba was the Keynote Speaker at the Father and Family Summit in Wichita in June. Amazing time!

*Strongman Ministry
     Bubba has traveled to four locations to serve other ministries as well as independently doing strongman evangelism.

*Real Men
     Bubba has started meeting with 6 men weekly for "hanging out".

*Disciple Training Gear
     Our small business is going well. We are receiving orders several times weekly and are currently looking for a web designer to update out site!

*Bubba's BOOK!
     Bubba is finishing up his book! It should be out and available for purchase in November!!!

*Speaking Engagements
     After the exposure and making connections with the Strong Dad's program in Kansas, Bubba has been booked nation wide to just speak! Bubba's website is under construction. Check back soon at

*Mama's Cup of Tea
     Heather has started meeting with mama's of young children weekly to share life and for encouragement.

     As you can see, we are quite busy. We feel like we are trying to "just keep up" with what the Lord's doing!!!

     We are excited about being part of His plan and would love to partner with you in ministry as well. Let us know if we can serve you in any way! 

     Contact us by emailing

Friday, February 1, 2013


We are proud to announce the acquisition of a small business, Disciple Training Gear(DTG).

God had been speaking to us about a small business to assist in funding our ministry.
I had ideas about a clothing line and I wanted to pursue it.

I had been a "sponsored" athlete of Disciple Training Gear(DTG) for a few years and Had built a relationship with the founder and Owner Chad White.

I had reservations about starting a new "christian" based clothing line as I did not want to hurt Chad and his business, By taking business away from him. So I prayed and the Lord had me lay it down. The during one of the many conversations I had with Chad, he mentioned the laying down the business and possibly closing it and or selling it. MY SPIRIT JUMPED. But waited on confirmation from GOD and suddenly felt complete and total peace about it.  So I asked would you be interested in selling me the business? Chad stated that in a his thoughts and prayers about Disciple Training Gear(DTG) that God had given him MY name as one that he thought could take over the business.

SO we are announcing TODAY that we are now the new owners of Disciple Training Gear(DTG).

So during the next month there is going to be a transition time from Chad to myself. So to assist with that we are shutting down any and all sales until MARCH 1st 2013. SO Disciple Training Gear(DTG)will be up and running full throttle on March 1st 2013.

Bubba and Heather.

Here is Chad's letter introducing the transition of Disciple Training Gear(DTG).


Exciting News for Disciple Training Gear.

DTG has been been an absolute pleasure to run for the past few years.  I was able to combine my passions - my faith and fitness into a way to supplement our family income while allowing me to stay home and homeschool my children while all the while my wife serves in the military.  I truly believed (and still do, of course) that I would be able to reach non-Christians and Christians alike and encourage them while providing a product and service.  What I didn't expect, was that there were many people searching for something like DTG and not finding it.

DTG was successful from the very beginning.  Immediately, people latched on to DTG and unselfishly promoted it and me at the same time.  I was so encouraged as DTG grew more quickly than I ever imagined.  However, along with initial success came a heftier time commitment than I had anticipated.  My family dynamic also changed along the way.  I went from having two kids to being the proud daddy of five kids.  Homeschooling and taking care of babies also required way more time and commitment than I had anticipated.  I sacrificed more and more (my workout time, my sleep, my family time) and it worked for a while, but now it has taken its toll on me and my health.

In the past year to 18 months I have purposefully had to try and slow DTG down.  I've stopped sending out newsletters, stopped posting on DTG's Facebook page, and pulled all my advertising.  It has been successful inasmuch as you can say intentionally slowing down a source of income and encouragement to others is successful.  However, as more of my children become school-aged, my role as a teacher has become even more demanding.

I prayed and prayed and I believe God has called me to put my energy into being  the best dad and husband I can be, being the best teacher I can be, and to work on living a less stressful and more healthy life. I also knew DTG deserved better and the clear choice was to let DTG go.

BUT, HERE IS THE EXCITING NEWS.  I had a few people in mind who I thought could/would do a great job of running DTG, but the more I prayed, one name came to me over and over and I truly believed God had him in mind already - Bubba Dowling of  I casually mentioned to him in conversation what I was going through and that I was thinking of giving up DTG and he paused for a bit before telling me that the spirit was moving in him right then and there.  Long story short, we were both sure of God's will in this situation and that is truly EXCITING and a cause for JOY.

Bubba Dowling has been married to his wife, Heather for over 15 years. They have 6 children, Anna, Nathan, Luke, Esther, Miriam and Johanna. They have been in full time ministry now for over 5 years.
Bubba has had the opportunity to travel all over the United States and to 8 countries with two strongman evangelistic teams, sharing his story of transformation and healing while sharing the love of Jesus. While traveling he has witnessed 10s of thousands of people make public commitments to Jesus Christ.
Bubba holds state and regional Powerlifting Records in various federations, and American/ National records in the AAU and USPA and World Records in the AAU. Bubba is ranked in the top 50 in Squat, Bench, Deadlift and Total according to
I am so excited about this transition with DTG. I look forward to serving DTG customers past and to the ones of the future. Building upon the strong foundation that Chad White started. With the keeping of the original DTG designs, now going to be called the “LEGACY LINE” and also throwing in some new designs, A “ Gen. 2”, line is now being developed. 

Finally, I want to thank you all for your support over the past few years. There were numerous times when I received more support from you guys than I could every possibly give back. Thank you for buying the gear, sending me photos from meets, and all the uplifting emails and calls.  It was a joy when individuals shared with me how someone asking about their shirt presented an opportunity for personal witnessing.

It has been an honor and may God bless you all!

Chad White

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The TWO-20 Movement 2012 recap and 2013 PREVIEW and JOHANNA GRACE IS HERE!!!!


Johanna Grace Dowling, Born 12-22-12

Hey everyone BUBBA here. Wow, life has been crazy busy for us.  IT ONLY GONNA GET BUSIER with the arrival of Johanna Grace and all of the New things that GOD has laid out for us.

2012 was a great START for us in ministry as a family seeing HUNDRED's of people making choices to FOLLOW JESUS!! WE are so excited to see what GOD has for us in the Future.

Human Helicopter at an event near Ottumwa IA, July 2012
2012 Events/ Ministry

  • Strongman Evangelistic Outreaches-  in 7 States and 2 Countries 
  • Itinerate Pastoring- Youth Groups and Worship Services
  • Partnering and speaking with BILL GLASS and HIS CHAMPIONS FOR LIFE  Prison Ministry
  • Chaplain and volunteer Coach for GRANDVIEW High's Football Team
  • Volunteer Strength and Conditioning at GHS- Mentoring and Tutoring 
  • Competed in several Powerlifting Comps and Set a NEW NATIONAL RECORD
  • Counseling several Men on what it takes to be a real man,  Marriage and Fathering
  • Asked to be a Consultant and Spokesman for a new FATHERHOOD Engagement program starting in the state of KANSAS.


Basically here is the Two 20 Movement in a Nutshell.... Our ministry ( OUR FAMILY THE DOWLING's) are looking for TWO- Hundred @ $20.00 a month TEAM MEMBERS to start out 2013 and GO BEYOND.  

WHY the TWO-20 Movement?

It will open up the doors to MORE ministry in locations, venues in both urban and rural that could not afford the expense that it takes to have me come in for a Strongman Evangelistic Outreach and share my testimony and the GOSPEL.

In 2012, I  had opportunities in 20+ cities and Churches that needed and wanted the Gospel to be preached and desired for me to come in. The funds were not available to them and I was not in a place where I had the extra $money$ to use myself to do the events or I would have. I still have to think of My family as well as they are my first calling in ministry.


We have partnered with Impact Ministries International and are helping feed, clothe, and house over 7000 orphans. Check them out at IMPACT MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL.

So here is the challenge, if.. I mean WHEN the TWO-20 Movement is fulfilled and I am asked to come in for a strongman event I will only ask for an offering and whatever comes in, 100% of it will be sent directly to feed clothe and house the orphans with IMI. I don't care if it's 5 dollars or 500 dollars it will go directly to helping out those kids.  CLICK HERE TO SEE SOME OF THE KIDS WE ARE HELPING

2013 Schedule/ On Tap

  • 5 Weekends with Bill Glass and Champions for life Prison Ministry
  • NEW 501c3- DOWLING FAMILY MINISTRIES, INC.-Coming soon!!!!
  • Strongman Evangelistic Outreaches in: Missouri, Iowa, Kansas, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, Illinois and ALSO OVERSEAS In Belize, Costa Rica, Honduras and our Neighbors to the NORTH CANADA
  • Writing several Books topics to include: My Testimony, Fathering Sons, Fathering Daughters and my skills in HUSBANDRY....
  • Starting a small business to assist in  FULLY funding the ministry to do all that GOD has Called us to in the Kingdom- DETAILS COMING SOON-
  • Counseling Men on what it takes to be a real man,  Marriage and Fathering
  • Consulting, Speaking, Facilitating events in Kansas for the Kansas Fatherhood Engagement program.


* WE WILL ONLY CONTINUE TO BE UNDER YWAM UNTIL OUR FAMILY MINISTRY 501c3 is further along in the process!! *



Our ministry is covered under YWAM  Youth With A Mission . So your donations are Tax Deductible.  More specifically we are covered under the Local Kansas City YWAM base, YWAM HEARTLAND

You Can Send checks to:
607 SE Joel AVE. 
Lee's Summit, MO 64063

PLEASE do not write anything on the memo line, IRS REASONS, Just place a note in the envelope that it is for the DOWLING's.

Debit/ Credit Card and Paypal can also be accepted contact Bubba at for more details on this option.