Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Gospel at ArenaCross??? A whole new world for us!


Bubba, Nathan and Luke Traveled to Topeka, Kansas over the last weekend. To hang out with TEAM FAITH
Team Faith is a non-profit multi-faceted Outreach Ministry that impacts people who are enthusiastic about Action Sports.
We were able to watch the races and encourage the TEAM FAITH riders. We were also able to help TEAM FAITH with their Saturday devotional.
Bubba and the boys enjoying some "man" time together!!!

Team Faith has been serving as the Chaplains for ArenaCross for over 12 years. Check Team Faith out, they are extraordinary athletes and an amazing group of men and women.
Bubba sharing the love of Jesus to the men and women at the ArenaCross event.

Team Faith had a great weekend racing as well, with several HEAT Race wins, and 2 MAIN event wins in the LITES division and a 4th and 5th place showing in the Main event AX race. Great Job guys!!!!

But the coolest thing happened before all the races on Saturday got underway, after Bubba shared there were 3 guys, a mechanic, a rider and a dad of a rider, that raised their hand to accept JESUS as their LORD and SAVIOR!!!!  

Thanks for your prayers and support, could not do it without you!!!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Nefarious-wicked or Criminal

      I saw the Nefarious-Merchant of Souls documentary last fall which lead me to The Exodus Cry, Abolition Summit January 2-4. It was an intense two and a half days of true worship to the Lord and impartation of such wisdom. I am changed forever!
     I wanted to share a highlight or two from each speaker. So, here goes:

Raising up Deliverers:
Corey Russell-We can't deliver people in our power only HIS
     In Exodus 2:11 Moses was awakened to his calling and God shuts it down in verse 14
(One day, after Moses had grown up, he went out to where his own people were and watched them at their hard labor. He saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew, one of his own people. Glancing this way and that and seeing no one, he killed the Egyptian and hid him in the sand. The next day he went The man said, "Who made you ruler and judge over us? Are you thinking of killing me as you killed the Egyptian?" Then Moses was afraid and thought, "What I did must have become known.")
     Moses was sent into the wilderness to be delivered of his own stuff first. Then, when he KNEW he was NOTHING, Moses was visited in the burning bush!

Lou Engle-Intercession/Prayer/Intercession/Prayer
     There is one specific quote I want to share from Lou: "Pay attention to your tears, they will lead you to your destiny."

Christ Centered Abolition:
Stuart Greaves- Isaiah 42:1 Behold my servant, whom I uphold; mine elect, in whom my soul delighteth; I have put my spirit upon him: he shall bring forth judgment to the Gentiles. KJV Behold my Servant......His heart will be found or caught in the beholding of Jesus.
     God's love after the rescue. His gentleness and kindness:  Is 42:3 A bruised reed shall he not break, and the smoking flax shall he not quench: he shall bring forth judgment unto truth. KJV
 A bruised reed will he not break, and a dimly burning wick will he not quench: he will bring forth justice in truth. AVS
     Isaiah 42:4 He will not fail nor be discouraged, till he have set justice in the earth; and the isles shall wait for his law.
     "We must have the revelation of who Jesus is! We must know what he is doing. Become the message not just have a message."
     "God sent an 80 year old Hebrew with a stick" to deliver the Israelites.

Kirk Bennett-"Justice is setting people free to encounter God."
"Justice is not a principal, it's a man!"
"Let my people go so they may worship me." We usually stop after GO. But we are to be free to worship the Lord.

Don Brewster- Don has a ministry in Korea and was in the documentary. He shared stories of "his girls" courage and how we have been given many good gifts and the Lord expects us to put them into action, ie. Jesus, Holy Spirit, faith, hope, love, each other.

Practical Appication:
Kezia Hatfield-"Restoration is truly the rebuilding of a person."
1. Understanding Trauma
2. Power of the cross
     Understanding that Jesus truly did endure what these women and children have endured gives even more power to the cross. In the gospels we see exactly what Jesus endured. He was sold, betrayed, criminalized, hit, bound, abandoned, falsely accused, mocked, dehumanized, suffered because of man's will, stripped naked, family gave him up, had others shame on him, foreign objects in his body (nails/spear), wasn't believed, given false names, cursed, finally separated from the Father.
3. Necessities of the process of restoration
     1 Cor 13 has to be walked out. Joy is the strength in the process. We bond through joy!
"We all need to know we are the sparkle of someone's eye."

Blaire Pilkington-Intervention
     James 1:27 Building bridges to the girls
They have to make a choice to be rescued. Rescue isn't a one time event, it's a process.

Benjamin Nolot-"God's mostly rescuing people from hell."
The work of the cross: deliverance, salvation, restoration!
TRUE freedom comes from ENCOUNTERING God!
Let my people go so they may worship me. 7 times in these passages. "SO THEY MAY WORSHIP ME"
The truth is this is a spiritual problem at it's root.

     Well, there are the highlights for me from the Summit. I have much more information I can share with you. If you would like to hear more about any part of these teachings, please contact me via. Facebook (Heather Dowling), or leave me a message on here.
     I have placed links to this ministry below for more information and to get involved.  Changed me profoundly, hope it does you too!